Vision Engineering

About Vision Engineering

Vision Engineering Ltd is a leading-edge manufacturer of ergonomic stereo microscopes and non-contact measuring systems. Since its formation in 1958, Vision Engineering has become one of the world’s most innovative and dynamic microscope manufacturers, with offices across Europe, Asia and North America. Vision Engineering’s main manufacturing base is at Send near Woking in Surrey, UK. Engineers and scientists worldwide use our systems for a wide range of general magnification, inspection and measurement application in both industrial and life science markets. More than 300,000 units have been installed worldwide to date.

Vision Engineering employs more than 220 people worldwide and partners with a fully-trained global distribution network. While it retains strong roots in British manufacturing, Vision Engineering has an international focus and supplies inspection and measurement products to the world’s most prestigious organisations.

Portfolio: Optical inspection microscopes, measuring systems, digital inspection, routine laboratory microscopes, bench magnifier.


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The Netherlands

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